The role of a Finance Manager is an appealing one with the average monthly salary for this position in the United States being $10,256 as of June 15, 2023 . While salary ranges can differ significantly there are abundant opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience .
Average Finance Manager Salary in the United States
According to ZipRecruiter most Finance Manager salaries currently range between $7,500 (25th percentile) to $14,000 (75th percentile) per month . While some salaries can go as high as $14,000 or as low as $3,250 the average pay range for a Finance Manager can be at variance by as much as $6,500 . This indicates that there are numerous possibilities for career growth and higher compensation based on individual expertise, geographic location and professional experience .

Cities with Above-Average Salaries for Finance Managers
Among the identified cities there are 10 locations where the typical salary for a Finance Manager exceeds the national average . Sunnyvale, CA tops the list and it is followed closely by Livermore, CA and Vacaville, CA in the second and third positions respectively . Vacaville, CA surpasses the national average by $28,067 (22 .8%) while Sunnyvale, CA leads with an additional $34,128 (27 .7%) above the average of $123,072 .
These 10 with above-average salaries present promising opportunities for economic advancement by considering a change in location for Finance Managers .
Related Roles with Higher Salaries than Finance Manager Position
Additionally it is worth noting that there are also other job positions related to the Finance Manager category that offer higher annual salaries than the typical Finance Manager position . Noteworthy examples include Svp Finance, Vp Finance and Vice President Of Finance roles .
Importantly all of these positions pay between $38,755 (31 .5%) and $49,277 (40 .0%) more than the average Finance Manager salary of $123,072 . If qualified securing one of these related roles may provide the opportunity to earn a higher income than that of the average Finance Manager position .
When considering location and salary for a Finance Manager role it is crucial to factor in the limited potential for significant wage advancement with an average salary variation of only 8% between the top ten cities . The potential for a lower cost of living in certain locations may be a significant factor to consider .
It is essential for individuals to conduct further research and assess their own qualifications, preferences and financial goals before making any career or relocation decisions .