Lois Zaytsaw

Lois Zaytsaw

Meet Lois, a dynamic Crypto, Blockchain, and Finance Writer/Journalist based in the bustling metropolis of New York City. With a passion for technology and a keen understanding of finance, Lois has been covering the latest developments in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain for several years. Her insightful articles have been featured in numerous leading publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and CryptoBriefing. Lois' fascination with blockchain and cryptocurrency began during her time as a student at university, where she studied economics and computer science. She was drawn to the disruptive potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize the traditional financial industry, and since then, she has been following the latest trends and innovations in the space.
Content Editor, Financial Writer
50 Articles

European Parliament Passes Anti-Money Laundering Laws for Cryptocurrencies

The European Parliament on Tuesday approved new rules aimed at preventing the

The Importance of Intentional Marketing: Know Your Marketing Campaigns

Are you looking to make an impact with your marketing campaigns? If

Fast Changing Environment: Trends in Cryptocurrency 

Cryptocurrency has been gaining momentum in recent years and is quickly becoming

Being an Entrepreneur or Investor: Let’s Discuss

Are you looking to make a serious investment in yourself and your

Embrace the Fintech Revolution: Why Work In Fintech?

The financial technology (fintech) revolution has been steadily building momentum, quickly transforming

How Long Should a Crypto Wallet Last?

Crypto wallets are a great way to store and manage digital assets,

Benefits of Non-Recourse Financing: Few Things to Know About It

Non-recourse financing is rapidly gaining the attention of investors around the world.

A Heights Finance Lawsuit Was Concluded With A $300,000 Award

Heights Finance is a renowned consumer finance firm that offers appealing, simple-to-understand

How to Create a Web3 Wallet: Let’s Explain

The emergence of Web3 opens up new possibilities for how people handle

The Future of Music: How Audius Coin Revolutionizes the Industry

The music industry has significantly transformed in recent years with the rise