
Kyra Gardner

Kyra, an international journalist with a passion for economics and technology. She has worked for several top media outlets, including Financial Times, covering global finance and emerging tech trends. Kyra has reported on a wide range of topics, from the impact of artificial intelligence on job markets to the economic implications of climate change. Her in-depth analysis and insightful reporting have won her numerous awards and accolades. Kyra's curiosity and desire to understand complex economic and technological issues make her a respected and sought-after journalist in her field. As a skilled media coach and public speaker, Gardner also has experience in strategic planning and management.
12 Articles

Financial Planning for Couples: Building a Solid Financial Foundation Together (2024)

Financial planning for couples lays the groundwork for a secure financial future

Financial Planning for Nurses: An Brief Guide for a Healthier Financial Future (2024)

Financial planning for nurses is not merely about balancing the books; it's

Financial Planning for Millennials: Overcoming Today’s Financial Hurdles (2024)

Financial planning for millennials is fraught with unique challenges stemming from the

Side Hustles for Stay-at-Home Moms: Transforming Spare Time into Income (2024)

In today's fast-paced world, the role of stay-at-home moms has evolved beyond

China Might Become The Leading Economy In The World

The US has banned the shipment of vital semiconductor components and technology

Can Web3 Games Become Profitable?

Many small partners may be discouraged about web3 games, believing they will

Biden Administration Announces A Strategy To Revitalize The US Economy

To strengthen the effects of President Biden is infrastructure, inflation reduction, and

Logistics Giant Maersk Is Completely Out of Russia

Yesterday (Feb. 20), the Copenhagen-based shipping and logistics corporation Maersk stated that

The Russia Invasion Of Ukraine Affects Energy And Food Importers

Beyond the theater of struggle in Russia and Ukraine, some of the worst

Meta Employees Demoralized by Layoffs! Productivity Falls Off

Mark Zuckerberg's ambitious "year of efficiency" campaign has reportedly not begun as